何故、米国に設置するのでしょう? 嫌な国ですね。
巷には、韓流歌手の歌・ 歌・歌、韓流のドラマ・ドラマ・ドラマ。
喫茶店では、馬鹿なおばちゃんたちが 韓流スターの話ばかり。
特に東レだ! 炭素繊維の工場を韓国に造るらしいではないか!
止めましょう!皆さん、 止めましょう!
Black Joke
Please give me a comment when you have a spare time. It is okay to post by anonymous or mail to me. 宜しければ、コメントのご投稿をお願いします。anonymous (匿名)でもメールでも構いません。 ★update Page: Job-Hunting, The Detail, to be continued........
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
I can't understand what human life is.
Friday, May 11, 2012
A Sense Of Concern, 思いやるということ
A Sense Of Concern
May 11, 2012 — by Bill Crowder
Read: Galatians 2:1-10
He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy. —Proverbs 14:31
Statistics are tricky. While numbers give us information, sometimes they can also desensitize us to the people those numbers represent. This hit me recently as I read a statistic: Every year 15 million people die from hunger. That’s chilling, and for those of us who live in cultures of plenty, it’s hard to fathom. In 2008, nearly 9 million children died before their fifth birthday, with a third of those deaths related to hunger. These are staggering numbers, but they are much more than numbers. They are individuals loved by God. We can show the Father’s heart of love by responding to people’s physical needs. Solomon wrote, “He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy” (Prov. 14:31). We can show mercy to the needy by volunteering at a soup kitchen, assisting in a job search, financially supporting the drilling of wells in places in need of fresh water, distributing food in poverty-stricken regions, teaching a trade, or providing lunches for school children. Accepting this responsibility honors the Father and His concern for all. And those who are starving might be better able to hear the message of the cross if their stomachs aren’t growling.
If God ordained to give
One gift for all my days,
I’d want the way He loves
To permeate my ways. —Verway
The more we understand God’s love for us the more love we’ll show to others.
Categories: Archives, Attitudes, Character, Christian Life, Ministry And Outreach, Personal Crisis, Relating To God, Relationships Tags: Compassion, Giving, God's Love, Kindness, Love For Others, Mercy, Ministry, Sharing the Gospel
統計上の数字には注意が必要です。数字は客観情報ですが、時として、対象となっている状況をしっかり捉えることを疎外します。最近、ある統計を見て、このことに気づきました。それによると毎年1,500万もの人が餓死しています。背筋が寒くなるような状況ですが、私たちのように物の豊かな社会に暮らしていると、それがどういうことなのか、まったく想像ができません。2008年には、約900万人の子どもが5歳の誕生日を迎えずに亡くなりましたが、その約1/3が餓死です。恐ろしい数字ですが、実際はもっと深刻です。これは単なる数字ではなく、神に愛されている一人ひとりの子どもなのですから。私たちが神の愛を表せる方法のひとつは、衣食住などの基本的なニーズに応えることです。ソロモンは「寄るべのない者をしいたげる者は自分の造り主をそしり、貧しい者をあわれむ者は造り主を敬う」と記しています(箴14:31)。私たちは食料配給施設でのボランティア、職探しの手伝い、安全な飲料水確保のための井戸掘り費用に対する寄付、技術教育の提供、学校給食を行うための寄付など、様々な形で手を差し伸べることができます。貧困に苦しむ人を助ける責任が自分にもあると受け止めて行動することは、父なる神に栄光を帰することです。すべての人を愛する神のみこころに沿ったことです。さらに、お腹が満たされていれば、十字架のメッセージは今まで以上に聞こえやすいのではないでしょうか。(Bill Crowder)神の愛を知れば知るほど、もっと人を愛するようになる。
May 11, 2012 — by Bill Crowder
Read: Galatians 2:1-10
He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy. —Proverbs 14:31
Statistics are tricky. While numbers give us information, sometimes they can also desensitize us to the people those numbers represent. This hit me recently as I read a statistic: Every year 15 million people die from hunger. That’s chilling, and for those of us who live in cultures of plenty, it’s hard to fathom. In 2008, nearly 9 million children died before their fifth birthday, with a third of those deaths related to hunger. These are staggering numbers, but they are much more than numbers. They are individuals loved by God. We can show the Father’s heart of love by responding to people’s physical needs. Solomon wrote, “He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker, but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy” (Prov. 14:31). We can show mercy to the needy by volunteering at a soup kitchen, assisting in a job search, financially supporting the drilling of wells in places in need of fresh water, distributing food in poverty-stricken regions, teaching a trade, or providing lunches for school children. Accepting this responsibility honors the Father and His concern for all. And those who are starving might be better able to hear the message of the cross if their stomachs aren’t growling.
If God ordained to give
One gift for all my days,
I’d want the way He loves
To permeate my ways. —Verway
The more we understand God’s love for us the more love we’ll show to others.
Categories: Archives, Attitudes, Character, Christian Life, Ministry And Outreach, Personal Crisis, Relating To God, Relationships Tags: Compassion, Giving, God's Love, Kindness, Love For Others, Mercy, Ministry, Sharing the Gospel
統計上の数字には注意が必要です。数字は客観情報ですが、時として、対象となっている状況をしっかり捉えることを疎外します。最近、ある統計を見て、このことに気づきました。それによると毎年1,500万もの人が餓死しています。背筋が寒くなるような状況ですが、私たちのように物の豊かな社会に暮らしていると、それがどういうことなのか、まったく想像ができません。2008年には、約900万人の子どもが5歳の誕生日を迎えずに亡くなりましたが、その約1/3が餓死です。恐ろしい数字ですが、実際はもっと深刻です。これは単なる数字ではなく、神に愛されている一人ひとりの子どもなのですから。私たちが神の愛を表せる方法のひとつは、衣食住などの基本的なニーズに応えることです。ソロモンは「寄るべのない者をしいたげる者は自分の造り主をそしり、貧しい者をあわれむ者は造り主を敬う」と記しています(箴14:31)。私たちは食料配給施設でのボランティア、職探しの手伝い、安全な飲料水確保のための井戸掘り費用に対する寄付、技術教育の提供、学校給食を行うための寄付など、様々な形で手を差し伸べることができます。貧困に苦しむ人を助ける責任が自分にもあると受け止めて行動することは、父なる神に栄光を帰することです。すべての人を愛する神のみこころに沿ったことです。さらに、お腹が満たされていれば、十字架のメッセージは今まで以上に聞こえやすいのではないでしょうか。(Bill Crowder)神の愛を知れば知るほど、もっと人を愛するようになる。
May 10, 2012 — by Anne Cetas
Read: Matthew 5:21-26
If you . . . remember that your brother has something against you, . . . first be reconciled to your brother. —Matthew 5:23-24
Mark messed up. He arrived an hour late at a restaurant where he was to meet a friend from church. The friend had already left. Feeling sorry about his mistake, Mark purchased a gift certificate from the restaurant and stopped at a local card shop to search for an apology card. Among hundreds of cards, he was surprised to find only a few “sorry for my actions” cards in an obscure part of the store. He purchased one and gave it to his friend who accepted his apology. Although apology cards may not be popular, apologies are frequently needed in our relationships. Apologizing is a biblical action. Jesus instructed His followers to make things right with those we’ve offended (Matt. 5:23-24; 18:15-20). And the apostle Paul said, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all” (Rom. 12:18). Living at peace may require apologies.Apologies can be hard to make because it takes a spirit of humility to admit our mistake, which may not come naturally for us. But taking responsibility for how we were wrong in a situation can bring healing and restoration to a relationship. Have you messed up? Swallow your pride and make the first move—even if you can’t find a card to help you say it.
Whenever you offend a friend,
Apologize and make things right;
For if you will admit your wrong,
You may avoid a needless fight. —Sper
The best way to get the last word is to apologize.
Categories: Archives, Character, Christian Life, Personal Crisis, Relating To God, Relationships Tags: Apologies, Forgiveness, Humility, Repentance, Restoration
(Anne Cetas)謝ることは、争いを終わらせる最善の方法だ。カテゴリー: 人間関係
May 10, 2012 — by Anne Cetas
Read: Matthew 5:21-26
If you . . . remember that your brother has something against you, . . . first be reconciled to your brother. —Matthew 5:23-24
Mark messed up. He arrived an hour late at a restaurant where he was to meet a friend from church. The friend had already left. Feeling sorry about his mistake, Mark purchased a gift certificate from the restaurant and stopped at a local card shop to search for an apology card. Among hundreds of cards, he was surprised to find only a few “sorry for my actions” cards in an obscure part of the store. He purchased one and gave it to his friend who accepted his apology. Although apology cards may not be popular, apologies are frequently needed in our relationships. Apologizing is a biblical action. Jesus instructed His followers to make things right with those we’ve offended (Matt. 5:23-24; 18:15-20). And the apostle Paul said, “If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all” (Rom. 12:18). Living at peace may require apologies.Apologies can be hard to make because it takes a spirit of humility to admit our mistake, which may not come naturally for us. But taking responsibility for how we were wrong in a situation can bring healing and restoration to a relationship. Have you messed up? Swallow your pride and make the first move—even if you can’t find a card to help you say it.
Whenever you offend a friend,
Apologize and make things right;
For if you will admit your wrong,
You may avoid a needless fight. —Sper
The best way to get the last word is to apologize.
Categories: Archives, Character, Christian Life, Personal Crisis, Relating To God, Relationships Tags: Apologies, Forgiveness, Humility, Repentance, Restoration
(Anne Cetas)謝ることは、争いを終わらせる最善の方法だ。カテゴリー: 人間関係
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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